Sunday, 18 September 2022

Reading and Maths

 An interesting comment by Charlotte Wilkinson, "The Wilkie Way" why we need to see reading as part of mathematics learning.

I would also like to suggest that we help students learn "How to read Maths and Science Material" as it is different and requires different comprehension to the usal prose we use for teaching reading
Maths and Reading

How many times have I heard teachers saying “we are assessing maths not reading”. The teaching profession has failed to recognise that reading is an essential part of using mathematics in our everyday lives. Principals are now alarmed by the low pass rate in exam trials with year 10 students. They acknowledge the mathematics is at about the right level but the students are unable to access the maths because it is “buried” in words.
This is nothing new and researchers around the world have been saying this for years. For this newsletter I am referencing an article from the Journal of Mathematics Education June 2011 Vol 4 No 1 titled;
Maths Literacy: Are we able to put the mathematics we learn into everyday use?
(Bobby Ojose University of Redlands USA)
Maths literacy is the knowledge to know and apply basic mathematics in our everyday living. An important part of maths literacy is using, doing, and recognizing mathematics in a variety of situations. In dealing with issues that lend themselves to a mathematical treatment, the choice of mathematical methods and representations often depends on the situations in which the problems are presented.
To effectively transfer their knowledge from one area of application to another, students need experience solving problems in many different situations and contexts.
The OECD publication, Measuring Students Knowledge and Skills (OECD 1999) lists the types of texts as part of reading literacy, which in part determines what constitutes mathematics literacy.The publication mentions as examples texts in various formats:

Forms: tax forms, immigrations forms visa forms, application forms, questionnaires;

Information sheets: timetables, pricelists, catalogues, programs

Vouchers: tickets

Certificates: diplomas, contracts etc


Charts and graphs, iconic representations of data


Tables and matrices
Inorder to comprehend most of these types of text you need to bring knowledge of mathematical skills.
Here is a list (Not exhaustive as knowledge is dynamic and technological advancement is forever changing)
Everyone should:

be able to perform the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with whole numbers, fractions and decimals.

know concepts such as ratios, percentages, roots, square roots, absolute values, reciprocals and exponents.

should know the metric measures of length, area, volume, mass, time and temperature and how to convert between the measures,

understand simple linear equations, plotting graphs of linear equation, slopes,

know operations with positive and negative integers

know the concept of proportional reasoning.

should know the various area and circumference formulae for circles, squares, rectangles and
• be familiar with cartesian co-ordinate system in two and three dimensions,
• be able to convert size on a scale model or map to actual dimensional size.
• be able to do basic construction using a compass and straight edge.
• should be familiar with three dimensional shapes in terms of finding volumes and surface areas of
shapes like cone, pyramid, prism, cylinder and sphere
• be able to find the measure of central tendancies when given a set of values
• be able to graph and interpret data as a histogram, pie chart, bar graph and line graph
• know probabilities based on theory and probabilities based on experiment
• compare risk factors in different situations
All of this list falls within levels 1 - 4 of the New Zealand curriculum and many of our students have the
mathematical knowledge so why are they still mathematically illiterate?
This will come down to pedagogical practice and a focus on the competencies required for mathematical Literacy:

Right from year 0 we need to be considering:
Mathematical communication: expressing oneself in a variety of ways - oral, written, pictures, diagrams; understanding someone else’s work.
Representations: Decoding, encoding, translating, distinguishing between, and interpreting different
forms of representations of mathematical objects and situations as well as understanding the relationship
among different representations. (Materials are not because young students are kinesthetic learners)
Symbols: Building an understanding of using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operations
Problem posing and solving: Posing, formulating, defining and solving problems in a variety of ways
Thinking and reasoning: Posing questions characteristic of mathematics, knowing the kind of answers
that mathematics offers, distinguishing among different kinds of statements; understanding and handling
the extent and limits of mathematical concepts.
Mathematical Argumentation: Knowing what proofs are; knowing how proofs differ from other forms of mathematical reasoning, creating and expressing mathematical arguments
Tools and technology: Using aids and tools, including technology when appropriate.
Unless we get back to actually teaching mathematics and not relying on computer programmes or apps for students to teach themselves, we will not solve the problem of mathematical illiteracy.
I sincerely hope the common practice model that will underpin our new curriculum “refresh” will place an emphasis on these competencies as well as a sequence for developing the knowledge and skills.
A sequence for knowledge and skills across the curriculum is relatively easy for mathematics as it is a
fairly hierarchical subject. It is important to make connections between topic areas as seldom does a
mathematical topic exist in isolation in the real world. Any sequence of work must provide the opportunity for explicit teaching, practice, application, discovery, and transfer.
No one resource will provide everything that should be included in your mathematics programme but
having a clear sequence will ensure continuity and progression.
A good resource provides opportunities for explicit teaching, practice, application, discovery and transfer built into the design. Along with a focus on appropriate reading levels to develop reading comprehension including the building of mathematical specific vocabulary.
The Figure it Out series is a greatly under used resource (because it is not user friendly) that will really
focus teachers and students on the need to develop mathematical literacy.
Maths Aotearoa + Wilkie Way + Figure it Out + NZMaths = A great maths curriculum to support the
teaching and learning of mathematics in New Zealand schools.